The Brown Institute at Columbia’s School of Journalism is proud to partner with the Magnum Foundation to launch the 2015 Photography, Expanded Fellowship, an initiative that supports innovation at the intersection of technology and
Image Retrieval using Scene Graphs
Image search using a complex query like “man holding fish and wearing hat on white boat” returns unsatisfactory results in (a). Ideal results (b) include correct objects (“man”, “boat”), attributes
In Face on Facebook
2014-2015 Magic Grantees Jessa Lingel and Adam Golub have just published a paper from the Bushwig project. “In Face on Facebook: Brooklyn’s Drag Community and Sociotechnical Practices of Online Communication” appears in the June
Brown/Tow Thesis Award goes to Ariana Giorgi
Each year the Brown Institute and the Tow Center team up on a award for the Columbia J-School graduate whose thesis makes extensive use of computation, or in some way
ACM on Data Journalism
This month’s Communications of the ACM includes “Putting the Data Science into Journalism.” Our flagship project Science Surveyor is detailed as an example of journalistic technology, and the Lede Program
Editorial Algorithms: Using Social Media to Discover and Report Local News
Screenshot of CityBeat interface showing the Detected Events List, Event Window and the Statistics Sidebar Authors Schwartz, R., Naaman M., Teodoro R. Abstract The role of algorithms in the detection, curation
Storytelling Tools – April 28 Brown Media Talk
Storytelling is essential for communicating ideas. When they are well told, stories help us make sense of information, appreciate cultural or societal differences, and imagine living in entirely different worlds.