From the NY Times ArtsBeat Blog: “Helen Gurley Brown didn’t care only about the Cosmo girl. She was also concerned with underserved children in New York City. As a result, her
Brown Institute “All Hands” Meeting, Columbia University
Both halves of the Brown Institute met at Columbia University for its quarterly “All Hands” meeting. It was a day of presentations and discussions. A full house, with grants and
The Declassification Engine in Poynter
Poynter has just posted a fantastic writeup of one of this year’s Magic Grants, the Declassification Engine. Co-funded by the Tow Center for digital Journalism, the Declassification Engine will “create a critical
Robust detection of hyper-local events from geotagged social media data
Architecture of our local event detection system. Including data collector, time-series builder, Gaussian Process regression model, alert engine and classifier. Arrows indicate input and output flow of each module. Authors
Brown Fellow Iubel joins ONA13 Student Newsroom
The Online News Association announced the members of its ONA13 Student Newsroom. Over 100 students applied from around the world, and Brown Fellow Nikolas Iubel was one of the 38 selected.
Steve Lohr named 2013-2014 Brown Fellow
Steve Lohr was a graduate of the School of Journalism in 1975 and now reports on technology, business and economics for the New York Times. In 2013, he was part of the
Making Sense of Cities Using Social Media: Requirements for Hyper-Local Data Aggregation Tools
Examples of geo-tagged social media data visualizations mockups. Clockwise: geo-tagged topic groupings, keywords appearance graphs, volume graph and heat map Authors Schwartz, R., Naaman M., Matni, Z. Abstract As more
Hansen’s “Data-Driven Aesthetics” in the NYT
From a speedometer to a weather map to a stock chart, we routinely interpret and act on data displayed visually. With a few exceptions, data has no natural “look,” no