This weekend, 15 students from the Graduate School of Journalism joined 15 graduate students from Stanford’s School of Engineering for a unique workshop, our second “Base Camp.” We began the
Image Truth/Story Truth
By Nina Berman When talking about photojournalism ethics the conversation tends to focus on the integrity of the digital image and the rules governing Photoshop manipulation. Photojournalists are prohibited from
Science Surveyor in the NiemanLab Blog
The goal of Science Surveyor, a flagship project sponsored by the Brown Institute, is simply stated – Produce better reporting on science. The NiemanLab Blog has just published an overview of
Cannabis Wire Launches
Today, Alyson Martin and Nushin Rashidian formally launched Cannabis Wire, “a news startup that will document the end of a prohibition and the birth of an industry” — a site that focuses “on
Brown at the American Society of News Editors Conference
The Brown Institute for Media Innovation made a splash at the American Society of News Editors conference, held Oct. 16-18 on the Stanford University campus. Magic Grant recipients discussed and
Image Truth/Story Truth, October 16
Digital photography has changed the nature of photojournalism inspiring new creative practices that challenge conventional standards of storytelling and image truth. At the same time, the ease with which images
Three layers of openness in design: Maker culture, crowdsourcing and open hardware
Brown Fellow, Dr. Tanja Aitamurto, has just published a journal article at Design Issues “The Open Paradigm in Design Research”, introducing a new definition for open design, co-authored with Dr.
The 2015 Computation+Journalism Symposium
For the second year in a row, the Brown Institute has played host to the Computation+Journalism Symposium – two full days of talks and panels exploring collaborations between journalism and
Climate, Data and Journalism
The Brown Institute and the International Research Institute for Climate & Society co-sponsored today’s meeting “Climate, Data and Journalism: A discussion/workshop about the role of data in helping us to