Our event “bit by bit” began Saturday with a student event — We spent the day speculating, designing and prototyping new ways of telling stories. Lance Weiler and his team at Reboot Stories designed what might be best described as a second generation hackathon. It emphasized process, a thoughtful design process, that led our participants from their initial interests to prototypes. Teams of students were guided by a group of amazing mentors from the Columbia J-School, NYU’s ITP, and even Vice Media — Journalists, photographers, interaction and game designers, artists, and filmmakers. The day wrapped up around midnight with final project pitches and awards. The winning team’s project was called “Things we carry” and was about how we share sensitive, personal stories that have shaped our lives. Congratulations to Jeffrey Bustos, Amarin Sam, Sharon Knieper, and Nikki Zeichner. Overall, it was an amazing day and a great start to “bit by bit”. We would like to acknowledge support from AOL, Rhizome and Columbia University’s Digital Storytelling Lab.
A weekend of storymaking