Our AI Hackathon Reviewed in CJR!

Our AI Hackathon was featured in the Columbia Journalism Review! Yona TR Golding spent time with the participants and offers a great picture of the event. She writes:

This past weekend, the Brown Institute at Columbia and Hacks/Hackers, a nonprofit, put on a three-day event called the Open Source AI Hackathon. The idea, according to Burt Herman, the board chair of Hacks/Hackers and one of the founders of the organization, was to get journalists and coders into a room to talk about what they could build together. There were students, reporters, engineers, and AI-curious participants of different stripes. Some came with specific ideas about things they wanted to build. Others just wanted to find people with complementary skill sets and learn about building tools with AI.

Read the full article, Hacking Journalism, at the CJR site.