Prof. Bernd Girod today announced on behalf of Stanford University that Prof. Maneesh Agrawala has agreed to serve as the next Director the Brown Institute at Stanford. Prof. Agrawala is currently a faculty member at UC Berkeley. He will be joining the Computer Science Department at Stanford in the fall at which point he will assume his new role as Brown Institute Director.
Prof. Agrawala’s own research interests are an ideal match with the mission of the Institute. He has done seminal work on design principles for visual communication, interactive tools for digital storytelling, and the perceptual and collaborative aspects of visual analysis techniques. His teaching, which includes courses in visualization, human computer interaction, and computer graphics, connects computational thinking and design thinking. He also co-taught the very first short course on computation and journalism at SIGGRAPH 2008. Stanford is very fortunate to have Prof. Agrawala return to Stanford after completing his PhD degree here 13 years ago, and Prof. Agrawala is very excited about his new role at Brown!
Prof. Girod will to continue to lead the Institute until the end of the acadmic year, and will stay involved as a regular faculty member and a member of the Institute’s Advisory Boar