The Transparency Series – Data Visualization

Brown Institute at Columbia 2950 Broadway, New York, NY, United States

Presenter The Pudding Workshop Description Graphical (or pictorial) presentations of data have become an almost essential part of journalistic practice. Data visualization helps us see patterns in data, and is an important tool for finding stories. Also, outlets like The New York Times, The Washington Post, and FiveThirtyEight are publishing data visualizations that push the

Magic Grant Information Session (Columbia)

Online Webinar NY

The Brown Institute is pleased to announce our first Magic Grant Information Session taking place virtually for the Columbia side of the Brown Institute on March 10, 2020 at 4:30PM. To join, please click the link below: Or iPhone one-tap : US: +16468769923,,900839288# or +16699006833,,900839288# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based

Magic Grant Information Session (Stanford)

Online Webinar NY

The Brown Institute is pleased to announce our first Magic Grant Information Session taking place at Stanford Engineering via a virtual webinar on March 12, 2020 at 4:30PM. To join the meeting, please visit If you’re interested in learning more about our Magic Grant offerings, come to our upcoming information session where you can

Magic Grant Information Session (Columbia)

Online Webinar NY

The Brown Institute is pleased to announce our second Magic Grant Information Session taking place virtually for the Columbia side of the Brown Institute on March 26, 2020 at 4:30PM. To join, please click the link below: Or iPhone one-tap : US: +16468769923,,861228398# or +16699006833,,861228398# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based

Magic Grant Information Session

Zoom Meeting

The Brown Institute is hosting virtual Magic Grant Information Sessions taking place each Thursday on Zoom at 4:30PM EST. To join, please use the link below: Password: 751054 If you’re interested in learning more about our Magic Grant offerings, come to our upcoming information session where you can find out: The types of projects

Magic Grant Information Session

Zoom Meeting

The Brown Institute is hosting virtual Magic Grant Information Sessions taking place each Thursday on Zoom at 4:30PM EST. To join, please use the link below: Password: 751054 If you’re interested in learning more about our Magic Grant offerings, come to our upcoming information session where you can find out: The types of projects

Magic Grant Information Session

Zoom Meeting

The Brown Institute is hosting virtual Magic Grant Information Sessions taking place each Thursday on Zoom at 4:30PM EST. To join, please use the link below: Password: 751054 If you’re interested in learning more about our Magic Grant offerings, come to our upcoming information session where you can find out: The types of projects

The Transparency Series – Political Polling

Brown Institute at Columbia 2950 Broadway, New York, NY, United States

Presenter Dhrumil Mehta, FiveThirtyEight Workshop Description The last workshop in the Transparency Series takes you through techniques for looking at one or more polls over time. Join Dhrumil Mehta who

Magic Grant Information Session

Zoom Meeting

The Brown Institute is hosting virtual Magic Grant Information Sessions taking place each Thursday on Zoom at 4:30PM EST. To join, please use the link below: Password: 751054 If you’re interested in learning more about our Magic Grant offerings, come to our upcoming information session where you can find out: The types of projects

Magic Grant Information Session

Zoom Meeting

The Brown Institute is hosting virtual Magic Grant Information Sessions taking place each Thursday on Zoom at 4:30PM EST. To join, please use the link below: Password: 751054 If you’re interested in learning more about our Magic Grant offerings, come to our upcoming information session where you can find out: The types of projects

Magic Grant Information Session

Zoom Meeting

The Brown Institute is hosting virtual Magic Grant Information Sessions taking place each Thursday on Zoom at 4:30PM EST. To join, please use the link below: Password: 751054 If you’re interested in learning more about our Magic Grant offerings, come to our upcoming information session where you can find out: The types of projects

Local Time: A Challenge for Visualization with Johanna Drucker, UCLA

Zoom Meeting

Each year, the Brown Institute sponsors talks that explore the intersection between media and technology. This year we have three virtual presentations lined up, each challenging us to think about data and computation in new ways. Each talk is by researchers outside of journalism, and yet we have a great deal to learn from their

Data Feminism with Catherine D’Ignazio, MIT and Lauren Klein, Emory University

Zoom Meeting

Each year, the Brown Institute sponsors talks that explore the intersection between media and technology. This year we have three virtual presentations lined up, each challenging us to think about data and computation in new ways. Each talk is by researchers outside of journalism, and yet we have a great deal to learn from their

Roles for Computing in Social Justice with Rediet Abebe, Harvard and UC Berkeley

Zoom Meeting

Each year, the Brown Institute sponsors talks that explore the intersection between media and technology. This year we have three virtual presentations lined up, each challenging us to think about data and computation in new ways. Each talk is by researchers outside of journalism, and yet we have a great deal to learn from their

The Brown Institute Virtual Mixer


The Brown Institute offers grants, fellowships and unique internships. Our granting program, the so-called Magic Grants, have supported numerous alumni from the school — read about our current cohort here.  You'll see powerful investigative projects (one appearing on the front page of the New York Times this weekend) as well as grants that support new

Statistics Breakfast with Mark Hansen (Thursdays in February and March 2021)


Some of the biggest stories of 2020 were statistical. We tracked exponential curves as COVID-19 spread across the country. On the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, we reassessed the pace of climate change. And after the 2020 Election, the country debated whether any of the then-President’s claims about voter fraud could be true, attempting to

C + J Symposium 2021: Data Journalism in an Expanded Field

Online Webinar NY

C+J 2021 — A virtual gathering From the outset, 2020 looked like it would be a year of data and computation in journalism. Think of the events that were planned — from the 2020 Presidential Election to the decennial census, to the Summer Olympics, to the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day. Each of these stories

Statistics Breakfast with Mark Hansen (Thursdays in February and March 2021)


Some of the biggest stories of 2020 were statistical. We tracked exponential curves as COVID-19 spread across the country. On the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, we reassessed the pace of climate change. And after the 2020 Election, the country debated whether any of the then-President’s claims about voter fraud could be true, attempting to

Immersive Journalism, with Francesca Panetta

Zoom Meeting

The Brown Institute is pleased to announce the launch of Volumetric Reporting, supported by a Provost Teaching and Learning Grant for Emerging Technology, a seminar and training series which will explore the affordances of volumetric capture and its applications in journalism. The series will begin with talks by Francesca Panetta, formerly of The Guardian and