Magic Grant Information Session (Stanford)

Brown Institute at Stanford 355 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA

Want to learn more about our Magic Grants? Come to one of our upcoming information session where you can find out: What kind of projects we funded in the past.

Magic Grant Information Session & Mixer (Columbia)

Brown Institute at Columbia 2950 Broadway, New York, NY, United States

Are you passionate about the role that emerging technologies can play in the future of media? Do you have a story that can only be told using technology outside the scope of traditional media? A Brown Institute Magic Grant might be for you. Established in 2012 as a collaboration between Columbia University’s Journalism School and

Visual Language Workshop: Part II

601A in Pulitzer Hall, Columbia University 2950 Broadway, New York, NY, United States

The Brown institute at Columbia will be offering a three-session workshop on Visual Language, designed for journalism students to build vocabularies and practical skills around visual design through lectures, discussions, and hands-on sessions. You will walk away with a basic understanding of design principles and an overview of the graphics editor Adobe Illustrator. In the

Transparency Series Discussion – Networks

Brown Institute at Columbia 2950 Broadway, New York, NY, United States

Join us for an evening discussion between Kevin Connor, LittleSis and Frederik Obermaier, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist from Suddeutsche Zeitung. They will discuss networks and the role they can play in journalistic reporting and communication. Data journalists often find that the complexity or the relationships between the various entities they are investigating force them out of simple

Transparency Series Workshop – Networks

Brown Institute at Columbia 2950 Broadway, New York, NY, United States

Graph databases are optimized for working with complex and connected data. Social media data is a great example of a complex dataset where the connections in the data are often as important as the discrete data points, making it a great use case for applying network analysis using a graph database. In this hands-on workshop

Visual Language Workshop: Part III

601A in Pulitzer Hall, Columbia University 2950 Broadway, New York, NY, United States

The Brown institute at Columbia will be offering a three-session workshop on Visual Language, designed for journalism students to build vocabularies and practical skills around visual design through lectures, discussions, and hands-on sessions. You will walk away with a basic understanding of design principles and an overview of the graphics editor Adobe Illustrator. In the

Magic Grant Information Session (Stanford)

Brown Institute at Stanford 355 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA

Want to learn more about our Magic Grants? Come to one of our upcoming information sessions where you can find out: What kind of projects we funded in the past.

Base Camp 2018

Brown Institute at Stanford 355 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA

The Brown Institute for Media Innovation invites you to apply to the Media Innovation Base Camp taking place on March 3-4, 2018 at Stanford University. The Media Innovation Base Camp offers a great starting point for entrepreneurial students who want to explore the interplay between story and technology. All travel and lodging expenses will be covered

Magic Grant Information Session & Mixer (Columbia)

Brown Institute at Columbia 2950 Broadway, New York, NY, United States

Are you passionate about the role that emerging technologies can play in the future of media? Do you have a story that can only be told using technology outside the scope of traditional media? A Brown Institute Magic Grant might be for you. Established in 2012 as a collaboration between Columbia University’s Journalism School and Stanford’s School of

Transparency Series Seminar: Augmented Reality

Brown Institute at Columbia 2950 Broadway, New York, NY, United States

This is perhaps our most experimental event in terms of “distance” from journalistic practice. Augmented reality (AR) provides a view of an event or phenomenon that is enhanced, “augmented,” with computer-generated elements, perhaps responding to sensor input (sound, video of the event, GPS coordinates) or triggers computed through computer vision tools operating on the scene.

Transparency Series Workshop: Augmented Reality

Brown Institute at Columbia 2950 Broadway, New York, NY, United States

The storytelling capacity with AR is enormous, although the toolsets are still a bit hard to use. Join members from Etsy and the New York Times to get up-and-running with augmented reality,

Public Record Under Threat: News and the Archive in the Age of Digital Distribution

Oberndorf Event Center / 641 Knight Way 641 Knight Way, Stanford, CA, United States

Join Columbia University's Tow Center for Digital Journalismand the Brown Institute for Media Innovation at Stanford University on April 13 for an afternoon conference on: Public Record Under Threat: News and the Archive in the Age of Digital Distribution. Panels will feature journalists, technologists, librarians, and engineers who will discuss how they are preserving the

Alternative Capturing Techniques for 3D Storytelling

Brown Institute at Columbia 2950 Broadway, New York, NY, United States

The Brown Institute is pleased to announce another training session related to Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) -- this one is brought to you by our own Rosalie


Brown Institute at Columbia 2950 Broadway, New York, NY, United States

For the second Journocoders NYC, we’ll be exploring the web-based coding notebook service Observable. This is a fairly new online platform, but Observable notebooks are already being used to produce

Disinformation Online: Ethics, Research, and Solutions

Brown Institute at Columbia 2950 Broadway, New York, NY, United States

The Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. Center for Leadership and Ethics at Columbia Business School; Brown Institute for Media Innovation at Columbia Journalism School; Technology, Media, and Communications specialization at

Journocoders NYC

Brown Institute at Columbia 2950 Broadway, New York, NY, United States

Journocoders NYC is a monthly meetup for journalists and others working in the media to learn and share technical skills for use in their reporting. That might be data analysis as part of an investigation, scraping data from government websites, building data visualisations to better tell a story, or something else entirely. RSVP HERE For

An Introduction to Public Data

Lecture Hall, Pulitzer Hall 2950 Broadway, New York, NY, United States

On September 6, from 9am-5pm, the Brown Institute is proud to host a day devoted to public data. It is designed for students in journalism, statistics and data science —